Monday, October 29, 2018

Why Johnny Can't Read

I have a theory.  And I think I’m right.  The Scriptures declare that Satan is a master strategist:  “In order that Satan might not outwit us, for we are not unaware of his schemes”  (2 Corinthians 2:11).  Another translation says, “We are not ignorant of his devices.”  However, I’m not sure about that. 

I think we as a church culture have been ignorant or at least lured into a subtle sleep.  And it has to do with Johnny not being able to read.  Let me explain.

In 1955 best-selling author, Rudolf Flesch, wrote a book entitled, “Why Johnny Can’t Read.”  This book attacked the discontinuance of phonics to teach children to read.  Later TIME Magazine would ask the same question when reading levels continued to substantially decline across the country.  In 1983 Flesch wrote the sequel, “Why Johnny Still Can’t Read,” continuing his campaign to reform reading in America.

Over the years I’ve heard Christian leaders say, “Satan is stupid, he’s a defeated foe.”  However, this is only partially true.  Yes, Jesus defeated Satan on the cross, winning over death and hell.  But the consummation of that victory will not be fully realized until Jesus returns and Satan is ultimately cast into the Lake of Fire.  In the meantime, the battle for men’s souls continues to rage.  Individuals are still called upon to make Christ their Savior and Lord; and because we still live on this fallen planet, the consummation of all things still lies ahead (this is fodder for a separate blog). So, the previous statement represents only partial truth.

Satan is a lot of things, but ‘stupid’ is not one of them.  If Satan is stupid, then where does that leave us?  The Scriptures tell us “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the words of Christ” (Romans 10:17).   Christianity has always been a “Religion of the Book.”  The Bible, when read and acted upon, transforms the human spirit.  Other books inform and conform the way we think, but only the Bible transforms the heart of man.  Jesus declares, “The words I have spoken to you are full of the Spirit and they bring life” (John 6:63).

I personally believe the reason “Johnny can’t read” is because the enemy secretly, subtly and with prolonged determination undermined the educational system of this country.  The proof is in the pudding.  Reading skills have continued to decline ever since the use of phonics was removed from our elementary schools.  I thank God that Jefferson Schools embraced the use of phonics in the 1960’s.  I was taught to read in small groups where phonics helped us sound out difficult words. 

What’s my point?  When reading skills decline, Bible reading or any reading for that matter, is shelved for lesser pursuits.  When “Johnny no longer reads,” the written words of Christ are unable to bring life-changing results.  I was alarmed when I recently heard a man raised in the 1970’s say, “I never learned to read and I hate to read.”  At first I thought, “How sad.”  Then, the further reality of his statement set an alarm off in my spirit.  That’s one way Satan undermines Christian endeavor today.  When believers don’t like to read, or can’t read, they place in jeopardy their ability to grow to maturity.  My friend, Satan may be defeated; however, he is anything but stupid!   

While conspiracy theories abound at other levels, I’m convinced Satan has a master plan to undermine the Word of God and low reading scores indicate that he has successfully lured at least two generations of students away from reading groups, libraries and the Bible.

Perhaps our churches should be offering remedial reading classes as part of their evangelistic outreaches and strive to bring back reading skills to an America where “Johnny can’t read.” 

We have moved far from our roots.  In frontier America, the Bible was one of the key texts used to supplement reading.  Do you remember the fireside stories about Mary Todd Lincoln reading to her son Abe from out of the Bible?  McGuffey Readers were introduced in 1836 and used in American schools until 1960.  Both the Bible and McGuffey Readers kept reading skills at an effective working level.  Reading by the use of phonics (sounding out) was presented as both a necessity and as a hobby for aspiring students.  For many decades the enemy has successfully lured people away from the absolute necessity to read well.  So, when “Johnny can’t read,” Johnny is unable to draw from the life-sustaining words of Christ that save and mature him in his faith.  This remains a cause for concern!

Are you the parent of a preschooler?  Then let me encourage you to make reading a priority in your home.  You may want to turn off the television, lay aside the cell phone and video games and make good books available for your children.  Buy a good children’s Bible, read along with them and make reading fun.  Good reading skills will produce eternal results!

Monday, October 22, 2018

Single or Single Again?

Are you single?
Are you single again?

Then this blog post is for you!

Many times (most of the time) individuals who fit within one or both categories above feel like fifth wheels in the church.  They seem to have no place among married couples and even families in general.  It’s not that they’re unwelcome, but what they share in common is next to nothing!

Singles often feel left out and at best awkward in social settings.  Our culture inadvertently stigmatizes them.  Some churches try to address the needs of singles by forming singles groups.  Who are we kidding?  These groups can and do become places where singles meet rejection when dating opportunities are elevated above supposed fellowship.  

I feel sorry for them, and I think I have a solution.

Whether you’ve never been married, or you’ve been married and divorced, or you’re widowed, God has an on-going plan for your life.  Understand this:  It is absolutely true that you have little or nothing in common with marrieds or those in dating relationships.  Absolutely nothing!  However, instead of seeing yourself as the “odd man out” or a fifth wheel, see yourself in a different, new way.

Realize that a new season has come into your life and ready or not, changes are required.  Don’t fight it, ride with it!

Look for new opportunities to pass the time and to bring fulfillment back into your life.

The biggest lie that often attempts to weave its way into the fabric of your life is that you no longer have significance – you have nothing to offer.  Paul writes to Titus and in 2:1-10 outlines several ways that single women (especially) can use their experience to teach other age groups valuable life principles.  Bible teachers often refer to these single individuals as “Titus Women.”  This passage can also pertain to single men in the right contexts.

Paul writes, “You, however, must teach what is appropriate to sound doctrine. Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance.

“Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good.  Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.

“Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled.  In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.

“Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything, to try to please them, not to talk back to them, and not to steal from them, but to show that they can be fully trusted, so that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive” (verses 1-10).

Then in verse 15 he says, “These, then, are the things you should teach. Encourage and rebuke with all authority. Do not let anyone despise you.”

Are you single or single again? After reading the above passage, ask your pastor how you can practically apply Paul’s words to your current life situation.  Those unschooled and less seasoned in their faith need your wisdom and insights.
Your life can still remain fruitful and productive as you teach others and demonstrate godly principles to them.  Your new season holds exciting days but will probably mandate a shift in priorities.   Remember, you’re not washed up; you’re just changing cycles!


Monday, October 15, 2018

Sunday Morning--Wake Up!

I understand we cannot live in the past.  And I understand that most everything changes over time.  And I believe that a lot of change is both necessary and for the best.  However, when it comes to Sunday morning in America, I have a grave concern.

Not too many years back our weekly “Christian” schedule included:
1.  Sunday School
2.  Morning Worship
3.  Evening Worship
4.  Wednesday Service
5.  Revival Services, and
6.   Other church events

For many believers church life was their social life.  The two intermingled.  Of course, not all Christians attended all the above opportunities, but my point is these opportunities typically were held in high esteem by both culture and the Church.

As the years passed, culture gradually stole affections from the local church.  Do you remember the “Blue Laws” of yesteryear, when most businesses were closed on Sundays to allow their employees and “John Q. Public” time off?  School and community sports were suspended, while churches conducted Sunday services. 

I remember when schools also withheld from conducting Wednesday evening activities to accommodate mid-week services.  Professional baseball games were scheduled for Sunday afternoons.  Cleveland great, Bob Feller, used to go to church on Sunday morning and THEN pitch for the Indians in the afternoon.  Pastors were invited to speak at baccalaureate and graduation ceremonies.  Church was considered a viable part of life and community.

Not so today.  Most churches, including Hope Community, meet corporately once each week.  Many churches have discontinued Sunday evening services; Wednesday evening services are rare and protracted revival meetings are definitely a thing of the past.

But even these realities do not represent my bone of contention.  Without the fear of being branded as legalistic, the past 50 years have been crafted by the enemy of our soul, the enemy of the Church, to steal away valuable time for church ministry.  What am I saying?

I believe two cultural dynamics designed in board meetings in hell, seconded and voted upon by evil master minds have subtly and skillfully turned Christ followers away from what really matters.  Godly affections and biblical teachings regarding faithfulness and righteous living have been stolen.

1.  We have fallen prey to “busy-ness” that leads to barrenness.  Our days are full of activities that lead to stress, fatigue and anxiety, but fall short in the “fulfillment department.”  People are always headed somewhere but like Henry David Thoreau wrote, they continue to “lead lives of quiet desperation.”  It’s a “go-go” world.  Family time has been sacrificed at the altar of busy-ness.  I’ve never seen so many busy, yet unhappy people!  Family table discussions are all but gone, replaced by drive-thru restaurants and eating on the run.
2.  We have more events, places to go and things to do than ever before!  Our Sunday choices are innumerable.  Years ago, people said concerning Sunday mornings: “We WILL go to church.”  Today, many ask, “WILL we go to church?”  Or subconsciously, “Is there a better option?” And the answer is many times “no” to church and “yes” to some form of entertainment or family function.    Recent Barna research indicates that 38 percent of America goes to church.  But then they follow this percentage with the “real” picture.  Out of the 38 percent, only 19 percent attend regularly.  The other 19 percent attend church once every six weeks.  In their minds, better, more exciting choices come their way.

I’m heart broken.  And I’m mad at the devil.  Is that okay?  Sunday mornings in a narcissistic culture run amuck, are now filled with sports events, fun parks, family reunions, parties of all kinds and descriptions, Christians hung-over from Saturday night drinking (don’t get me started!) and a host of other pre-scheduled events that steal people away from the local church.

Misplaced priorities have rendered the church as just one of many options on Sunday morning.  I’m usually not this bold, but I’m calling for Christ followers everywhere to wake up and realize that we have been duped.  Jesus Christ thought the Church to be so important that He died for it.  God chose the Church to be earth’s saving agency.  The writer to the Hebrews emphatically reminds us to “Not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encourage one another – all the much more as you see the Day approaching” (10:25, NIV).

My friend, wake up!  If you have fallen into this snare of the enemy, repent and make Sunday morning church non-negotiable in your life.  Clean off your “busy plate” and understand that I’m dealing with an eternal issue in this blog.  You need what the Church offers.  You need the rich community and friendships that only Church provides.  Everything else can wait until Sunday afternoon.  Please hear what I’m saying.  My pastor’s heart is broken because many have absented themselves perpetually from the very source that makes life meaningful and keeps eternity in view. Hope Community is one of many Christ-honoring churches in Ashtabula County.  Be in one of them next Sunday morning!

No, going to church does not save you, but faithful attendance to a local church can and will make your life so much more rewarding.  Sleeping in a garage all night will not make you a car, nor will going to church on Sunday mornings make you a Christian, but when seen as one option until something better presents itself could possibly bankrupt your soul in the meantime!  


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