Your perspective determines
your answer and your ability to successfully navigate life and positively
impact others along the way. Victims
always focus on what others are doing to them or not doing for them. Life’s circumstances are usually seen through
a negative lens and victims always come up short – in their minds drawing the
short stick.
Victims love the “Blame Game.” To pass along the blame allows them to never
take personal responsibility for their own attitudes and actions. In so doing, they never break out of their
cycle of criticism and negativity. Nobody
who has anything on the ball likes to hang around victims – except other
victims! Misery breeds company.
Victims garnish the truth,
often undermine others, jeopardize reputations and secretly gloat when others
fail, because those things allow them a temporary reprieve from their own
victim mentality. Victims move through
their world never impacting in a good way, only soliciting others who share
their negativity. They practice
Victims never find
fulfillment and tend to demean others so that in some sick way they elevate
themselves to a temporary high. When not
affirmed or given attention, they seek lesser goals and attack those who strive
to walk in victory.
Victors, on the other hand,
never glory in their circumstances and refuse to play the “Blame Game.” They take personal responsibility for their
actions and attitudes, and understand that while life may be unfair and tough
at times, they remain victorious. They
see themselves as overcomers. They
become not circumstance-driven, but Christ-driven. They live in the expectation that Christ in
them is a Victor and nothing can separate them from their intended
They choose high living over
low living. They realize that it’s not
about them; it’s about Christ in them.
They determine to live above the potential defeat of circumstances and
never feel sorry for themselves or compare themselves to others. They are the masters of their destiny because
they daily place themselves in the hands of the Master, the One who has
purchased them with His blood and whose indwelling presence drives them toward
continued and sustained victory.
Like the Apostle Paul, “The
love of Christ compels (constrains) them.” It captures them and won’t let go (2
Corinthians 5:14)!
Are you a victim or a
victor? Are you Christ-driven or
others-driven? Do you feel sorry for
yourself or is the devil sorry when you wake up in the morning to begin another
day of victorious, overcoming life in the Spirit?
Victims incessantly talk
about their problems or other people.
Victors glory in the cross and the Christ whose power brings overcoming
results. They never run short of true
friends, unlike victims who live with loneliness, dissatisfaction and like
Henry David Thoreau said, “Who lead lives of quiet desperation.”
True friends are rare because
no one in his right mind likes to hang out with a loser mentality. No one except victims wallows in the
shortcomings of others, and chooses to spew their toxic waste on to
unsuspecting bystanders.
Are you a victim or a victor?
Remember, we are “more than a
conqueror through Him who loved us and gave Himself for us…” (Romans 8:37). Determine today to be a victor!
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