It goes without saying that the entire Bible is
wonderful. Not all 66 letters are easy
to understand but it remains on the “best-selling list” and when faith is
applied in the heart of the reader, it still transforms lives. Other books
inform, but only God’s book, the Bible, transforms!
In recent years, I have been intrigued by one verse that God
is using to rearrange my thinking. This pivotal verse has helped me glean a
broader understanding of God’s grace.
“For the grace of God
has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say, ‘No’ to ungodliness and
worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this
present age, while we wait for the blessed hope –the appearing of the glory of
our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ…” (Titus 2:11-13).
You have to understand, I spent many years of my Christian life
trying to weave law-based information into grace teaching; and let me tell you,
it doesn’t work. It’s like mixing oil
and water. Both are important, but they
have to be understood in the context of their unique chemistry.
The Apostle John segregates the two by writing, “The Law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ”
(John 2:17). The Apostle Paul adds to this truth by
reminding us, ”Before the coming of this
faith, we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that
was to come would be revealed. So the
law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by
faith. Now that this faith has come, we
are no longer under a guardian” (Galatians 3:23-25).
The King James Version
uses the word “schoolmaster” in place of “guardian.” The Law served as the
schoolmaster to bring us to Christ. In
other words, both law and grace carry significance and both were necessary to
our full understanding of the gospel.
But we can’t walk under law in some areas of life and then under grace
in others areas and expect to experience the “abundant life!”
We were taught in Bible school: “The Old Testament is the New Testament
concealed; and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed!” In other words, to have a complete
understanding of the Cross of Jesus, we have to understand unique teachings of the
Old Testament, as they reveal types and shadows of what was to come in Christ.
Law-based lifestyles run contrary to healthy relationships. Let me give you an example from personal
experience. I was taught as a boy to
take my hat off in public buildings or when I walked into a room occupied by
adults. This, in essence, was a
“law.” To not take off one’s hat in a
public building was considered disrespectful.
Many builders (those born between 1924-44) and baby boomers
(those born between 1944-64) had this rule pounded in their heads. Some years ago, when pastoring another
church, I saw this “law” literally cause a newcomer to leave the building in anger. The understood rule (not mine) was “no hats
on men while in church.” A teenage guy
came into the church lobby and did not remove his hat.
A crotchety older gentleman approached him and asked him to
remove it. When the young man refused,
the older gentleman became irate, took the boy by the arm and escorted him out
of the building. I could not believe
what I saw and heard.
“You will not disrespect this church,” the man yelled. Naturally, the boy left, never to
return. I can only hope and pray that
this law-based offense did not drive him away from the Lord.
I angrily said to the old man, “I hope you understand the
terrible offense you just caused, and I hope you’re ready to stand before the
Lord with a ready answer for your stupid attitude.” I have no patience for confessing Christians
who use their personal preferences and opinions (skewed, law-based mindsets) to
hurt others.
Do you understand what happened? A man-made rule overrode grace. Who cares if someone does not remove his hat
in church (or wherever)? That boy should
have felt love, honor and respect, not retribution. Instead, he was made to feel guilt and
shame. I’m still bothered by the events
of that morning. And this remains a
perfect example of how the “law kills, but the Spirit gives life.”
May we never hurt others and subsequently justify our words
and actions by using the Bible or our personal convictions to inflict pain and
cause separation from the grace of God.
May we allow His grace to teach us how to live godly. Legislated righteousness produces anger and offends
people. Grace is a teacher and takes us
from where we are to where Jesus wants us to be. It’s God’s grace that has appeared through
Jesus Christ and brought us salvation.
Have you placed your faith in His saving grace!
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