One on-going indictment leveled against many churches is
their constant pleas for money.
Specifically, the subject of tithing often comes under scrutiny. Sadly, a lot of shame-based teaching
surrounds this important practice.
Many suggest that those who don’t tithe come under a
curse. They support their premise using
a passage from Malachi 3:7-9, “Ever since
the time of your ancestors you have turned away from my decrees and have not
kept them. Return to me, and I will
return to you,” says the Lord Almighty.
But you ask, ‘How are we to return?
Will a mere mortal rob God? Yet
you rob me. But you ask, ‘How are we
robbing you?’ “In tithes and
offerings. You are under a curse—your
whole nation—because you are robbing me.
Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse…’”
I personally tithe
because I love giving into earth’s greatest enterprise—the Kingdom of God! Yet, I struggle with the negative,
shame-based approach many leaders take when it comes to this wonderful
privilege. A lot of guilt surrounds
church offerings! It’s easy to get
caught up in the negative cycle of reminding people what they’re NOT doing,
instead of giving them positive, Christ-honoring reasons to respond to gospel
directives. Shaming people always pushes
them away.
Yes, I believe tithing is biblical. Both the Old and New Testament validate it.
However, I think we need to perhaps re-think our shame-based approaches. Let’s re-explore what Malachi was REALLY
saying regarding tithing. Who was God
referring to when He talks about curses?
The prophet’s stinging indictment and question for Israel was, “Will a man rob God” (3:8)?
Allow me to explain God’s reason for the question. Israel had become arrogant and
rebellious. Their withholding of tithes
and offerings was one of seven indictments Malachi brought against the
nation. Each time the Lord addressed a
specific issue, the Israelites became “disrespectful” and even arrogant. Each response sounded like a spoiled,
disrespectful kid, who was back-talking his parent. Look at each one:
1:2 – “I have loved
you,” says the Lord. But you ask, ‘How have you loved us?’”
1:6 – “If I am a
father, where is the honor (respect)
due me? It is you priests who show
contempt for my name.” But you ask, ‘How have we shown contempt for your
1:7 – “You have
defiled me.” ‘But you ask, ‘How have we defiled you?’”
2:13 – “Another thing
you do: You flood the Lord’s altar with
tears. You weep and wail because he no
longer looks with favor on your offerings or accepts them with pleasure from
your hands. You ask, ‘Why?’” (then the Lord talks about
2:17 – “You have
wearied the Lord with your words.” ‘How have we wearied him?’ you ask.”
3:13 – “You have
spoken arrogantly against me,’ says the Lord.
Yet you ask, ‘What have we said
against you?’”
Do you sense the disrespect?
God uses Malachi to expose ungodly, rebellious attitudes in the
nation. The people were disobedient
because they were hard-hearted. They
were acting like spoiled children, demanding their way. God used the prophet to expose ungodly
This chapter, like any Bible passage, must FIRST be properly
dissected according to its original background and intention. To pull these indictments out and apply them
to today’s church without learning what they meant to the original hearers, can
lead to a travesty of biblical interpretation.
To be sure, God’s Spirit still exposes attitudes run amuck
in our lives. However, much of our
teaching is accompanied by shame-based approaches that fail to “tell the whole
Remember, not all who withhold their tithes and offerings
are arrogant or rebellious. Some who
don’t tithe operate in fear, or perhaps just need positive instructions from
God’s Word regarding the beauty and power of giving. I remember how difficult it was for me to tithe
after I came to the Lord. The math just
didn’t make any sense to my natural mind.
I’m so glad the Lord was patient with me. When I stepped out in faith and started
giving one-tenth of my income to the Lord, I came to understand not only the
beauty of tithing but the power and protection it affords me: “Bring
the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty,
“and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much
blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. I will prevent pests from devouring your
crops…” (3:10-11).
Do you struggle with tithing? Ask the Lord to help you. The benefits are too wonderful to allow
shame-based teaching to keep you from enjoying God’s provision, power and
protection in your life! I pray you’ll “test the Lord.” He’s willing and able to prove the legitimacy
of tithing your income. I have enjoyed
watching the Lord bless the remaining 90-percent!
So true-motivation makes giving meaningful! We've 'tested' God in this area of our lives, and have seen Him prove Himself over & over.
ReplyDeleteMy parents have been in ministry my whole life. So when I went to college, there was no 'college fund'. I worked full time & went to school full time. But that still wasn't enough to cover expenses. But I still tithed & trusted that God would cover the rest. And He did. I graduated debt free!
How many college students can say that???
Now our son, Daniel, is headed to college. Same deal-no money for a college fund available. Jeff & I have dedicated our whole lives to ministry. Ministry doesn't pay much. But God takes care of those details as they arise. We still tithed & taught our kids to tithe.
Now God has provided a full Academic Scholarship for Danny's Tuition. AND enough other scholarships that total to just about enough to purchase a small fixer-upper repo house off campus! (There's no on campus housing.) What college student graduates Debt free AND with a house paid for???
When God 'has your back' financially, because you've given your finances to Him-there's nothing like it! You find favor & blessings & generosity come your way that just boggle your mind. And that brings a peace that no matter what, things will work out. Because God is then your provider.
It's when we try to hold on to our finances & provide for ourselves & make things work out on our own that we back ourselves into a corner. That's when we feel trapped & hopeless.
So give it a try! God can bless your 10% back to you so much more than you could with any other investment! Lol. Because it's about your heart...are you willing to trust Him?
Wow, Joy! Thank you for sharing this testimony. Like so many others, you and Jeff have proof that tithing works. God is faithful to take the 90% and go above and beyond what we can ask or think. In that respect, tithing really is an investment that pays great dividends. Thanks again!